Registration is now open for MTYBA’s annual advocacy competition. This will take place between March 29th and April 13th.
Once again, this year the competition is focused upon advocacy with no skeletons, bundles or excessive time limits.
There will be three rounds. Rounds will be judged by practising barristers and members of the judiciary. The competition has been devised in order to display the full range of MTYBA members’ skills in oral advocacy.
Round 1 – bail application – 29/03/16
Round 2 – interim application – 04/04/16
Round 3 – mock trial – 13/04/16
Competition Prizes:
The winning pair will take the title and be crowned MTYBA Advocacy Competition Winner 2016. Prizes will be awarded to the four competitors that progress to the final round.
Competition Registration:
Entry to the competition is by way of reply to this email. Email address:
The deadline for entry is Thursday 24th March, 6pm. Numbers for entry are not capped, however, it will help if you please submit your entry as soon as possible.
Entry is open to all MTYBA members, we wish you the best of luck!
James Gould
Advocacy Officer 2016