Middle Temple Young Barristers' Association

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MTYBA & MTSA Black History Month Celebration

Please join us at Middle Temple on 17th October 2022 for an evening of inspiration, celebration and networking. This is Middle Temple's annual Black History Month event(BHM)!

The esteemed panel will feature :-

1) Laurie-Anne Power KC from 25 Bedford Row Chambers

2) Bibi Badejo from 4 Brick Court Chambers

3) Stephen Lue from Garden Court Chambers

4) Natasha Shotunde from Garden Court

This will be a panel event, followed by a question and answer section and networking. Our speakers will share about their own personal journeys and careers at the bar, the pioneering work they have done regarding diversity, and the significance of Black History Month to them. We will have music, food, networking and much more!

Background image by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0