Middle Temple Young Barristers' Association

Privacy Policy

The Middle Temple Young Barristers’ Association (MTYBA) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. The information below, along with our Data Protection Policy, provides information on how data MTYBA collects from you, or that you provide to MTYBA, will be processed.

What information is collected via the website?

We collect certain information about you when you use our website Our website is hosted by Squarespace, which collects limited aggregated data about visitors to our website, in accordance with Squarespace’s own data protection policy, which can be read here.

Squarespace provides us with information on:

  • Your IP address and web browser details
  • Your geographical location by country
  • The pages you have visited on our website
  • Search terms in search engines (e.g. Google) used to navigate to our website

Personal information

We may also collect personal information that you provide through the use of the website, for example when signing up to receive email communications from us via the ‘Connect with us’ form on our website.

When we collect this personal information we process it and store it in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and MTYBA’s Data Protection Policy.

Mailing list

MTYBA uses Mailchimp for our membership mail outs. Mailchimp stores data in the United States but has taken steps to comply with GDPR and is signed up to the EU-US Privacy Shield. Mailchimp records how many times an individual user opens the emails we send, thereby allowing us to analyse the effectiveness of our communication strategy. Their privacy statement can be found on their website

Disclosing information

We do not share information collected on our website with any other organisations for marketing or commercial purposes. We may, however, be required to pass on personal information if we have a legal obligation to do so. Please see MTYBA’s Data Protection Policy for more information on what we share with third parties.

Keeping data secure

MTYBA stores email contacts via Gmail. Gmail maintains servers around the world and your information may be processed on servers located outside of the UK. Gmail nonetheless applies its privacy policy consistently, has taken steps to comply with GDPR and is signed up to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

Transmitting information over the internet is generally not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your data. Given that the internet is a global medium, using the internet to collect and process personal information necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. By browsing MTYBA’s website and communicating electronically with us you acknowledge and consent to MTYBA processing information collected through our websites and social media channels in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and MTYBA’s Data Protection Policy.

Links to other websites

Our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Policy apply only to MTYBA’s websites and social media channels, and do not cover any third party sites that we may link to. If you access other websites and social media channels using the links that are provided, the operators of these websites/channels may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their own data protection policies. These may be different from those of MTYBA, and MTYBA cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information that you provide whilst visiting third party websites. If you visit another website from this one, please read the privacy policy on that website to find out what it does with your information.

Social media

When engaging with MTYBA’s social media channels you are using the services of a third-party provider. You will therefore be subject to the data protection policies of those organisations in addition to those of MTYBA. Such third-party providers are outside of our control and are not covered by this policy.

Your rights

You have a right to find out what information we hold about you, and ask us not to use any of the information that we collect.

If you would like more information about our Data Protection Policy or want to contact us to make a Subject Access Request, please see the MTYBA’s Data Protection Policy for more information.

Background image by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0